Friday, December 27, 2019

What Is Non Linear Enochian?

Non Linear Enochian

Pray tell..What the hell is that?...

Good day, good evening, whatever the case may be for you. Is it possible to stall for time in an article? It's not for me, I'm asking for a friend..  

Alright, it's true, I was asking for myself. No one would have fallen for such a ploy anyways.. everyone knows authors don't have friends.. Accountants, Lawyers, Agents, Deviant Masochist acquaintances..  Certainly, but friends? What was I thinking, I've gotten entirely rusty at telling lies for my avatar ego. 


Relevant History

The title of this post should attract the attention of practioners of Angelic Evocations, particularly Enochian Sorceries. Hopefully, it may peak the curiosity in anyone modestly familiar with John Dee and Mr. Kelly's work on the celestial language, or perhaps even books and materials I have written on the subject. I have reason beyond the purely technical and academic for a write up on the latest understandings & observations on this linguistic matter.  It just so happens to coincide with publication of my fourth written work which is directly in this area of occult. In my first book, which contains a vocabularium of the Enochiana which expanded upon the terms put down so many years ago by Dee & Kelly. The second book, The Flame Grimoire had a expansion portion of terms defined, those added to the second book were primarily ritual magick terminology. Certainly Enochian vocabulary that practioners by and large would find quite useful for translation of some of their own spell craft.  Within the pages of my first book I wrote of the language mechanics. The sections of the chapter preceding the vocabulary included clarifications on enunciation and form that is energetically closer to that of the Ivoti (Angels). A focus on two hypercritical marks that were used by Dee. The queen's astrologer and intelligence operative used a small number of critical textual marks but of  were these, two in particular are much more significant than the others. In my first book of the Hyacinth Pillars series entitled E'Ta De Gergori the chapter preceding the included vocabulerium of Enochiana is a chapter on language mechanics. The sections within the chapter cover various aspects of the celestial, angelic language. 

Clarifications on the spoken form highlighted the two significant critical textual marks, a technical outline for enunciation of the Absent Character phonology, and examination of compounded Enochian words. The AC phonology is a spoken feature of the Enochian language that has grown in popularity over the past two decades. Although, it is important to point out that terminology such as AC, and Absent Character were not in use until the publication of the hiHyacinth Pillars book 'Language of Angels.' 

In a generalized manner, progress in pronounciation with an additional phonological element began trending in the early 1990s. In only a handful of years the  has ultimately been adopted as a standard method, thanks in part to the occult and linguistic practitioners and experts receiving parallel confirmations via ritual evocations.  However, the rules for elocution & pronounciation of Enochian words had emerged over four hundred and twenty five years ago with John Dee and his associate Edward Kelly. The Golden Dawn, a mystical order of occultists brought the esoteric spot light back onto the language of Angels during the mid 1850's with their own rudementary clarifications on the spoken form. Unlike either the Golden Dawn's contribution to the phonology of the Angelic language, or the collectively standardized enunciation of the modest Enochian vocabulerium of the 1980's, I am endeavouring to dissimenate perceptive understanding of Sorcery through a broad intellection as to the cosmological  relationship between the Enochiana and reality itself. 


To validate an entirely new & emergent cosmological paradigm via the celestial language. Direct, and verifiable correlation between the syntagmatic and paradigmatic analysis of syntax within the Enochian language, and most advanced theories among theoretical physics & quantum mechanics must be linked. To conquer the lies, fallacies, and half truths of the past. While simultaneously conveying the magnitude, and scope to which Consciousness plays a part within the nature & structure of reality itself. A language categorized as a Xenoglosssia, being tied in with Open Individualism with Quantum Source model of Pan Psychism may seem a daunting task, but after another glance at the state of the world we are living, there are answers and solutions drawing myself and others forward. It is a mysterious occult language, and there have been some honest, as well as fraudulent attempts to  incorporating the cosmology of ascendent consciousness to reveal God's very own Divine Class Sorcery?

Non Linear Enochian

One of the more recent changes to the Angelic language (Henceforth Will Be Referenced As Enochiana) is the alphabet. During the time of Dee & Kelly, the alphabet contained 21 characters. This was later added to, a single letter raising the alphabet up to 22. Also, the letters 'Ged' a variant for the phonetic ( J ) sound and the letter 'Van.' The letter Ged has always phonetically seemed as though it could have been a Z character variant. Although I suspect the underlying energy structure is balanced properly just as the alphabet is arranged. 

The three principle linguistic arrangements I introduce in the first book are interrelated energetically. The Absent Character phonology, the Enochian Compounded Lexemes, and the Deliniation between Linear and Non Linear formations. Several linguistic theories have been put forward as to the make up of Enochian words, as well as the sentence, paragraph and overall syntax as relatable to other ancient languages. Some people have cited Chomsky, and the Noun Tree, in attempts to identify familial verb and noun clusters. This is a bit like working backwards as the energetic emenation of information is what determines the spelling, word arrangements, compounding, of Non Linear (Ivoti) Enochiana. The data transmitted across the grids, the Generation Energy of the objective / subjective reality has within it the same advanced mathematics. The Enochiana is derived from the streamed data, codified for the perceptive appetite of the Energy Consciousness.

Anyone curious as to these terms and larger exposition on the origin of the Angelic language should reference Hyacinth Pillars 'E'Ta De Gergori'. There is however, available here at the Hyacinth Pillars Sorcery Blog a fairly recent article written solely about the AC phonology, and a pronounciation rule update regarding the letter Graph. Specific enunciation detail for bridging elocution with the AC phonetic. 

For describing the difference between Linear and Non Linear formation of vu e'ta de vu ihuv indi (the language of the Hyacinth Pillars). Firstly, the Linear form operates as linear syntagmatic analysis of syntax within other languages function. In a processional coherence, where positioning of words and word tense, etc contribute to the overall totality of coherency. Non Linear Enochiana deviate grossly from such a format. However, the language does not quarantine one format from the other, in fact a significant percentage of the Non Linear composition I have personally translated consist of blended Linear & Non Linear. The occurrence of a blended form has a frequency of at least 30% of the time, and up to 60% of the time. 

Whereas a comphrensive linear progression would appear as follows:

"The people in the city cried out aloud as the dragon's shadow flew overhead."

 Syntagmatic syntax establishes subject, action etc sequentially, as well as including adequate 

punctuation in order to create a proper flow to the declarative, interrogative, etc

Under sytagamatic analysis, the Non Linear form of the Enochiana deviates completely by these criteria. Numerous attempts at identifying an underlying, syntagmatic formulae have, and will, inevitably prove inadequate. As the language by it's nature has a primary directive. To satisfy a conditional energetic obligation. It is within that demand that the fundamental attributes shape the syntax, and the derivative linguistic framework takes shape. As each point in Spacetime of this mono reality is a point of the segregate, confederate counterpart of the living - sentient energy, the innate ability for the emenation Generation Energy to convey objective reality for the perceptive appetite of the Energy Consciousness

Not only are the adjacent words selected and placed for their added 'specific quantified resonance value' for a precision sum, theoretically matching the exact objective conceptual emenation signature calculations for the conveyance of the information required.  There is also a cumulative energetic value measured against(with)the words that follow after the placement of an included Non Linear word into a sentence, and or 'paragraph'. Sentences and or paragraphs written with Non Linear Enochiana will be produced, perfectly balanced and attuned by the governing princple bundle geometric map & manifold topologies in the needed energetic totality. Therefore, a type of delineation at the point of a word's placement within the syntax, according to it's amplitude of allowance in contribution to the whole. 

As opposed to a intrinsic Energetic contabulation with the words preceding it. All of this bereft of a syntagmatic formulaic framework. That of our stipulated by need of coherent Linear progression of vocabulary for language.. 

There is an advanced geometry criteria that words must express in energetic signature to be allowed into the vocabulerium Enochiana.

The Non Linear has energeticmatic formulaic structure, hence the  transliteration of Non Linear words into, say.. an Enochian Key are quantified with the Energetic values of the words that follow, not preceding. Giving the Non Linear it's advantage, via it's generated compounded words which convey obscuure word combinations via a single non Linear word instead of a couple hundred established linear words through translation. Despite the sum totality of their resonant signature satisfying the demand of the conditional energetic obligation. 

Freedom from a required syntagmatic formulaic structure. This language could now be studied under rigorous scrutiny, and a Xenoglosssia be the long sought after evidence of a  Pan Psychism Open Individualism Paradigm reality produced and emenated by living spirit energy. Establishing a Matrix Dreamscape wherein the insertion Incarnates are in the midst of an organismic evolution ascention unto self awareness.

A representation of Non Linear duplication of the example sentence above:

"cried out shadow of dragon the people flew overhead the people in the city"

This is made even more complex as words within
 the language possess definitions that are
 maliable depending on the word to which it is
 adjacent to, be it a singular or compound word.
Compounded stems within the language combined in 
 both the familiar manner by an insertion action. Stem insertion in the Enochiana is common and potentially predominatest method that would be considered standard


This Enochian sentence conveys the mathematically codified representative, resonant energy signature of  

“I will forget the pain of life”

A translation breakdown of the Non Linear 


of -- pain—I will forget—life

This example includes the Enochian compound PENE’RU that translates in Linear form ‘I FORGET’(PENE) and ‘WILL’(RU). Compounding of Enochian stem words can indicate a reordered sequence of stems created by the composite.






( WILL )




In this example, the Enochian word ‘pain’ (FORGE) is not preceded by (Vu) Enochian word for ‘the’ a subject qualifier. Often in absence of a qualifier such as ‘the’ will be added by default during translation for a more fluid form of phrase. In the representation here, the 'Linear' comparison is lacks a sequence of coherent progression; in this example 'Linear' indicates a word for word direct translation. 

°Non Linear:
( of—pain—I will forget—life )


( of—pain—I forget + will—life )

°Translation with qualifier:

( I will forget the pain of life )

Paragraphs do not exist within Enochian, just as sentences do not occur as a segmented portions of the syntax. The need of such as they function in most every other language simply does not exist. Their purpose in creating sequential order in other languages is moot as far as the Enochiana is concerned.
This is part the reason punctuation is not found in para graphic Non Linear Enochian.

In Part II of 
'What Is Non Linear Enochian?'

Enochiana truly is the E'ta De Ivoti "Language of Angels" or as the Angelic beings refer to it Vu E'ta De  Vu'Ohuv Indi..  "The Language of the Hyacinth Pillars" yhgk 

I will continue the Energetic Deliniation of the Enochian syntax. 


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