Goety of The Hyacinth Pillars
Part I
Part I
With the increased traffic to this blog I am ready to share detailed information from select areas of occult covered in the first book.
The choice for the title of the first book in the Hyacinth Pillars trinity of books
{ E'Ta "Language" De "Of" Gergori "Angelic Forms" }
Gergori was a name chosen after much consideration for practical reasons in regard to the book title. To write or say "Language of Angels" more precisely would be:
E'Ta De Ivoti
However, Gergori being very much a modern name given for angelic beings that originated during an era which more closely relates to the current confabulation that is our global society. As it has evolved out of that historical era, and the word itself still maintains it's relevance in equating to the angelic. Recognition albeit esoteric in its own right is generally more recognizable to those perusing occult book categories. Compared to the Enochiana word for angels 'Ivoti' which would have required an on the cover translation that didn't have esthetic nor practical attributes I sought in a title. The word 'Gergori' still today is a broad label and this serves well enough for the two distinctive polarities (factions) among the Ivoti, those being the
Teruze and the Reham.
{ Tey Roo Zey & Ray Ha M(ay) }
I have touched upon this area of classification among the higher density = higher dimensional beings that are the Ivoti in previous posts but a more in depth exposition is in the planning stages for an upcoming piece for the blog.
Today I have chosen to go into some detail on the entities of the lower density = lower dimensional
variety. Specifically, those referred to as belonging to the Goetic named entities. The word itself is not from the Enochiana, it is another more recent (1,000BC - Present) contrivance popularized in a sense by the Roman Catholic Church. Their Liturgy essentially rubber stamped the label on any of the 'demonic spirits' f (natural energetic phenomenon occuring within the Kryst Consciousness of the One, Monaden ie The Great I AM). The human and so very folly falable church likely had various reasons, although ease of communication between the church and the public being the primary factor. The sections of the Catholic Church that has long been responsible for this is known more widely as overseeing the Catacisms on Exorcism, the branch of the church known as Dogma & The Doctrine of Faith.
Former Pontiff (now retired) the former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was at one time in charge of this branch within the Vatican. Before his promotion to the Vicar of Christ. The communities of occultists around the globe have their own categories and types concerning the lower density entities, some overlapping with others, and some unique unto the system from whence they are derived. There are two types most commonly cited, those of the Solomonic Goety and those of the Draco, the latter steeped in a bit more mystery than the former. Much of this has to do with the confluence of occult denomination or esoteric school of thought combined with a general lack in definition. In the Mysteries of Enochian Sorcery, there are a total of eight domains to which all of the demonic are subdivided. The simplest way to describe these would be first to reveal the symbol of the Genesis Inception we refer to as 'reality'
This is the symbol within Enochiana that represents the Pillars of the matrix dreamscape of manifest energies we call our reality. In the Language of Angels this in it's entirety is called 'IZ' pronounced "E Zey"
and as one can see is a division of four quadrants. This division into four extends throughout all layers of density / dimensions from the highest 8th and 9th densities down to the physical plane of the 3rd and Temporal 4th dimensions. The four Watchtowers, down to the four domains of demons. The Watchtowers are more closely associated with cardinal directions (more on that in forthcoming post)
"First the East, then West, and North and South in between" these are divine associations involving the oversoul structure of energies. Including that of the Hierophantic Hiarchy and the duality of energetic poloarity mentioned earlier. As for the domains of the lower density entities, these are specifically named. There is no familial aspect to the domain names but one could in a slightly crude fashion relate the energetic characteristics to something akin to 'familial energy' as to their specific domains. The four domains are named Na'Reti, Git'Nuzino, Uvu, & Sezi
Each of the four domains have a low density classification, and a low low classification. Essentially, an upper and lower level within each of the four named quadrants. Inevitably, curiosity and necessity for those who read this or are intending to work with the beings of the domains will want to know which contain the more potent, and perhaps 'useful' entities. Of the four domains, the low density (that which is closer to the 3rd and 4th dimensional aspects) contain the largest number but are considered the lesser of the two classifications. Those of the low low density (that which is furthest down from the 3rd and 4th dimensional aspects) are of fewer number and are considered the more potent, dangerous, and 'useful' entities. It should be noted here that the latter are known within the occult as being 'ancient' in comparison to the larger in number, low density classification. Early on in my progress within Enochian Sorcery and the knowledge gained by it, is a distinguishing feature between the two classifications of the domains was their innate ability to 'move' or traverse. The low low density classification, fewer in number but known to be considerably more powerful, and likewise knowledgeable is called:
"Sue Too Zoh Voo Voo(A)"
Each of the four domains have this low low density classification, and accordingly each of the four domains have the low density classification, that classification is called:
"Poh Voo Voo(A)"
Of these, occuring by design, emenations and expression of systemic matrixes of energy phenomenona ie spirit beings, the Enochian system places a similar version of subdivision by predominate characteristic that is for the most part recognized within the occult systems of this era. Keeping with the four 'structure' these types according to their ability and overall expression within the physical plane of the matrix construct are found throughout the four domains and that of their low, and low low classifications. These are:
“Vo Voo Ease A”
translates as INQUISITOR
“Too Toov Zoo A”
translates as DELUDING
“Eww Roo Zoov A”
translates as ACCUSER
“Voo Zey A”
translates as SPECTRA
Of these four types, all are perceivable through the third eye, as experienced and understood by practioners but the fourth, the SPECTRA type, these are seen within the human field of vision. These manifest visibly for individuals and groups to see with the naked eye. Often, they are blended in with dark areas within cast shadows or low light areas. Sometimes, for brief periods taking on fairly definitive shape and detail, human shaped or otherwise. These are known by first hand accounts to exhibit red, glowing 'eyes' which many can find rather disturbing. The energetic emenation from these are less subdued than the other three types, in that the frequency and resonance inflection trigger the distinctive gutteral fear and dread sensations and emotion within humans.
One of the key elements of the Enochian system is the use of the written and spoken language of Creation and subsequently, that of the Ivoti. Either form of the Enochiana, Linear or the Non Linear (described in greater detail within the first book of the series) here in the physical plane of the 3rd and 4th dimensional aspects of the construct, illicit systemic responses. Without diverting off onto that particular tangent, the significance in relation to the information shared here has to do with names proferred by various entities. Of the lower density beings, one thing they share among domains and classification is the guarded nature towards their true name. Their name written and spoken in the Enochiana. It should be considered a valuable element when this knowledge is available to practioners. It changes the dynamic within evocation / invocation summonings significantly. There are specific summoning evocations for each domain quadrant, and classification, for a total of 8. These are found in both the first and second books of the Hyacinth Pillars series. The first book contains the SUTUZOVUVU classification for the Na'Reti, & Git'Nuzino domains, and the POVUVU classification for the Uvu, & Sezi. Their names, the enunciation assist, and their type. The second book of the trinity, the Grimoire, has the complimentary information of the domains and classification not included in E'Ta De Gergori
"Sue Too Zoh Voo Voo(A)"
Each of the four domains have this low low density classification, and accordingly each of the four domains have the low density classification, that classification is called:
"Poh Voo Voo(A)"
Of these, occuring by design, emenations and expression of systemic matrixes of energy phenomenona ie spirit beings, the Enochian system places a similar version of subdivision by predominate characteristic that is for the most part recognized within the occult systems of this era. Keeping with the four 'structure' these types according to their ability and overall expression within the physical plane of the matrix construct are found throughout the four domains and that of their low, and low low classifications. These are:
“Vo Voo Ease A”
translates as INQUISITOR
“Too Toov Zoo A”
translates as DELUDING
“Eww Roo Zoov A”
translates as ACCUSER
“Voo Zey A”
translates as SPECTRA
Of these four types, all are perceivable through the third eye, as experienced and understood by practioners but the fourth, the SPECTRA type, these are seen within the human field of vision. These manifest visibly for individuals and groups to see with the naked eye. Often, they are blended in with dark areas within cast shadows or low light areas. Sometimes, for brief periods taking on fairly definitive shape and detail, human shaped or otherwise. These are known by first hand accounts to exhibit red, glowing 'eyes' which many can find rather disturbing. The energetic emenation from these are less subdued than the other three types, in that the frequency and resonance inflection trigger the distinctive gutteral fear and dread sensations and emotion within humans.
One of the key elements of the Enochian system is the use of the written and spoken language of Creation and subsequently, that of the Ivoti. Either form of the Enochiana, Linear or the Non Linear (described in greater detail within the first book of the series) here in the physical plane of the 3rd and 4th dimensional aspects of the construct, illicit systemic responses. Without diverting off onto that particular tangent, the significance in relation to the information shared here has to do with names proferred by various entities. Of the lower density beings, one thing they share among domains and classification is the guarded nature towards their true name. Their name written and spoken in the Enochiana. It should be considered a valuable element when this knowledge is available to practioners. It changes the dynamic within evocation / invocation summonings significantly. There are specific summoning evocations for each domain quadrant, and classification, for a total of 8. These are found in both the first and second books of the Hyacinth Pillars series. The first book contains the SUTUZOVUVU classification for the Na'Reti, & Git'Nuzino domains, and the POVUVU classification for the Uvu, & Sezi. Their names, the enunciation assist, and their type. The second book of the trinity, the Grimoire, has the complimentary information of the domains and classification not included in E'Ta De Gergori
In Part II of this exposition, an Enochian Banishing will be presented. Although first and foremost within the books, these posts are intended for study. That said, the experienced ritualists who may choose to perform a ritual summoning evocation with the information provided here are more than likely to have a Banishing with which to operate within the craft.
Below are ten names, these are of the Uvu Domain, and of the low density classification. Only experienced ritualists should endeavour to perform the summoning included below.
“T Zoo Vey Too”
“No Too Voh”
“Zo He Voh”
“Eww Voo Dee”
“Oh New Tow Vey”
“Zoo Vee Tow Zoh Noh”
“E Tow Sooz Tah”
“Voo Hoh Roo”
“Row Von Eww”
“Roo Hooz Oh Moo”
~° •
"Demons of Uvu Domain"
{(Toi De Utiza) toze zezuvizite rivovuvitizogi}
Enunciation Assist:
"Tow Zey
Zey Zoo Vee Zee Tey
Ree Voh Voo Vee Tee Zoh Gee(A)"
"Toi De Utiza" translates as "Name of Demon" indicating the placement of the spirit's name before the summoning evocation. The summoning is spoken during ritual three times in succession. Additional detail involving ritual summonings should not be required for those experienced in the practice of Invocation / Evocation within ritual high magick. Otherwise, a person is strongly encouraged NOT to proceed with this type of Enochian Spellcraft.
There is reason for the First and Second books of the Hyacinth Pillars series having Enochian Banishings placed preeminently before any information such as that above. It is in itself a warning as to the serious nature of the summonings involved in the Mysteries of Enochian Sorcery.
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