By no means is this a discertation on any advanced mathematics or theories spanning that of physics, as I am not qualified for such but am admirer of those who research it's boundaries. I have however came across expressions of numbers and number patterns in the course of my studies. From practice to writing about it, the system of Enochian Magick has stood out in it's relationship to numbers, and especially those Vortex Mathematics focus on. The 3, the 6, and the 9. It has been my experience the 3 and 9 are predominate in the structure of Enochian Spellcraft {a1}. Which makes at least some sense if one puts any credence into the quality of trinity, and the mystery of divinity in that of the One, the Source, and what has been made for it's purpose.
The distinction between of Monad - it's avatar emenation, and that of the space, time, & thought of the dreamscape Creation is made in revealing the gnosis. The Enochian system will lead to knowledge in that regard. Of the Ivoti (Angelic) there is among them a near necessity to guide an individual incarnate into a place of understanding for any progress to continueue. Seemingly, the higher density of consciousness that one is guided to access knowledge to implement in understanding, is also in parallel with energetic aspects of the new age that approaches. With this developmental progression comes clarity, many expressions in this regard, and together with a synchronism in the 'holons' that are reflected through myth and legend, and even through nature & energy within the dream. Recognition of the convergence occurring of cosmology and physics with concepts of the ancient esoteric.
Examples within the advanced geometries which are coincidentally being worked through currently by the top cosmologists and mathematicians today. Binary found embedded inside the mathematics of String Theory, the Super Symmatries of a Quantum reality, for instance, the E8 Lattice structure of representational 8th dimensional construct as it relates to the universe displaying facets of a Quantum computer.
I've written in some small amount within the Loageth which is the first book of the Hyacinth Pillars that focused on Genesis according to the Celestial forms, the Enochian language, and that of it's origin. A gnosis involving sentience as energy, the Monad and its Myriad of the ONE. The knowledge I received is first introduced in E'Ta De Gergori, the"Language of Angels." which is an expansion of the Dee & Kelly workings included from Dee's journals and subsequently compiled into a dictionary. Doubling it's size, and including ritual words of the Enochiana vocabularium began with that book, and in it I first outlined clarifications from the Ivoti on the spoken form of the language for increasing is effectiveness. A dialing in of sorts, but along with that I was provided with insights into the language's significant beginning. By extension it's nature, and the greater cosmology of the manifest construct. Leading to my writing of the first chapter of the book Enochian Genesis, a Angelic Cosmology.
Elohim (Enochian spelling of the word is Ilohim) share in the Myriad and provide a higher density of form for that of the Second and Third Flames of that place beyond the mono reality of the construct.
The place of Ove, the abode of O-Sev the One Source. The Pantheon of Flame, where the manifest realities are experienced by the Myriad Monadenthat is One. The thoughts of The First Flame ~ Vu Done'Ialprt and the scions produced by division, garnering these individuality, the sentient siblings of
The Second Flame ~ Vu Viv'Ialprt.
The thoughts shared there, that place where darkness is it's face and time cannot keep, were shared in the complexities - that are of themselves the origin of mathematics and the syntax of codified information across the grid of the superstructure of a manifest matrix of energies. From the higher and lower densities of dimensions, to the self generating algorithmic topologies of the underlying sturcture of non deterministic reality, the presence of numbers
3, 6 & 9 seem a reoccurring theme instead of a novelty.
The mathematics of the vortex torus share a representative 3D rotation similar to that of the Hopf Fibration and it's 720° degree rotation. Vortex is a based system using reduction as the esoteric numerology exists within. 7 + 2 = 9 which is the highest numerical in the vortex math. The Hopf Fibration part of the principle bundle mathematics. The models of which in 3D is representative of the higher dimensional princples of super symmatries. The system of Enochian is predominately structured around the 3, evocations, chants, as well as banishings. The Loageth and Grimoire include example of one of the most potent banishing in the Enochiana, structured to function independently as three stand alone banishing evocations, and as augmented triad. Where the second incantation is joined with the first and the third, similar to the combining of Call and Key in the ritual work of the 30 Aethyrs. This augments the
first and third banishings and magnifies their potency. The augmented banishing triad is placed before the listings of the Goety provided in the first & second books of the Hyacinth Pillars series. The effectiveness on Draco, and essentially any of the lower density entities. Of the Chants, which often will double as evocation of some significance, these are common in the 3 X 3 format. Summonings are predominantly singular in form but the invocation / evocation is traditionally spoken three times, distinctively.
4 is a number within the Enochiana that is representative of the physical plane and the manifestation of the Monaden Avatar. The signature upon human DNA, the four elements, the four cardinal directions, the four watchtowers, and of the lower density entities, four domains which occupy two distinctive levels of density, but none the less are also divided by the 4. The Git'Nuzino, Na'Reti, Uvu, and the Sezi domains. The four is sometimes mirrored as an eight within the lower dimensional construct, with the space and time creation set as expression of the 4 lower density facets of the theorized 8 dimensional matrix of energies. The work going on now in theoretical physics has provided insight and comphrension in the metaphysical conceptualizations which correspond with etheric and esoteric systems such as Enochian.
Structures and processes of partical & energy time and physics, comprising space are still being researched and theorized upon. In metaphysical literature the theorum of energetic are making advancement in the esoteric insights garnered through the study of the occult.
These frameworkshat are explored by a few authors, Jon Vermilion in his book the Asaya Ka Luxa introduces aspects of this framework. His forthcoming work entitled
'Zekiel' will delve even further.
The system known as 'Enochian' could be said to fundamentally involve the 3, 6, & 9
which function in the metaphysical perspective as being related to the overarching structure of energies. That of higher consciousness and of the Meta individualities of the One Source (O-Sev). As that of the Monad through its Myriad.
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