Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Mystery School

Mystery School

Of Light Bearers who guard and protect various knowledge, is theres sucha need for these in this day and age? As many within both the occult community and those of a more religious affiliation would attest, we are approaching either a great shift into a new age of man or a culminating to a time of apocalypse and judgement. Or both. 

What role could or would such a commonly secretive 
group or organization play within the furtherance of a deeper understanding of the world in which we live? The esoteric nature of the left hand path has always allowed for much more freedom to question and explore these exetential areas. What appears to be occuring with the advent of modern science, specifically among the hard sciences of mathematics and physics are findings that fit more and more with the once guarded and hidden teachings of mysteries schools throughout the centuries. A convergence of man's knowledge pertaining to the most fundamental precepts involving the nature of reality and the dicotomy of matter vs energy. 

Long ago there was a need to protect the endeavors and discoveries found by those adherents of the left hand path, primarily due to established religion, their dogmas and affiliation with governmental authority. As the risks were quite great for religious persecution and the stakes were quite high for losing what had been pain stakenly gained in their quest for knowledge. We live in a changing time that is in many ways far removed from the challenges that once motivated such a need for mystery among initiates and teachers of the metaphysical and occult.  So, the definition perhaps may be in need of updating as to what a mystery school is. 

Reality consisting of forces and energies, a fabric that at points have become self aware. Either living a succession of many lives, or existing as a multiplicity of the same life, or perhaps repeating a ground hog life over and over until something unfolds a certain way..  are descriptions of the same thing. Sentient perception of living energy allowing for this. And the energetic inflections of inception incarnates. Duality manifested upon Genesis of the Myriad Monaden POV avatars. All across it's substance of energy, manipulated, the dreamer and dreamed. 

As a new paradigm is embraced, shrugging of the failing mechanical matter determinism for one of living, sentient, organismic reality, a new definition of what a mystery school is, and what one might offer both initiate and the world at large is necessary. One where cosmology & consciousness take on singular meaning, where energy is refined in context of every single point in space being a point of consciousness. Where what is inside of a living Incarnate is reflected outwardly, that tbe subjective, objective, and perceptive aspects of the mono reality are self generating portions of a singular Monaden. The incarnate insertions self aware amongst the structural fabric of it's manifestation are occuring in a place of non locality, infinitely, as Alpha & Omega, being all one in the same thing. 

This could give new purpose of places likened to mystery schools of the past, but geared for  nean entirely new purpose. Exploration into an emergent cosmology as well as categories like that of Pan Psychism / Open Individualism Paradigm. Where scientists, philosophers and various scientists collaborate on new theorum and models of reality.

Matrixes are only temorary creations within an infinite source conscious that never ends or begins. As the totality of the universe is the collective Dreamscape inceptions of individual fractals existing as living energy.  Our insertion as Incarnated Energy Consciousness, is a portion of a fractal totality. Over many matrix creations to multiply the trillions of individual experiences via avatar lifetime experience expressions. Concepts and theories of parallel realities, succession of Incarnations over 'time' , etc are the same thing occuring upon an infinite now. Described as different but are one in the same, All occuring on the assemblage point. The Generation Energy is deciphered By Energy Consciousness. This is fundamental Sorcery wisdom. Our meta fractals Are of the Second Flame We were constituted 'after' the emergent First Flame, an autogenous division of it's living substance. For the purpose of Matrix manifestation. Experiential value produced via inceptions of the One Source Myriad Monaden.

As the segregate confederate energies are counterparts of the fractal totality. Collectively dreaming together, also with the First and Third flames. The One Source, the living sentient energy, and we are of the Second Flame, of the mystery of three in One,  our true form. This has occult value in that Magick, and the Sorceries practiced becoming better grasped with a developing state of consciousness. The purported increase in density of conscious awareness, and the much discussed transitioning into the new age. A transmutation of the Jewel, that is Earth from this age into the next.

Potentially producing deeper insights into the once taboo metaphysical concepts that are on schedule to blend with tbe antiquated material deterministic machine paradigm of thought. Among these would be fresh understanding as to what the esoteric terms of
Will and Intent actually are. Aspects of the 'presence' of the Energy Consciousness, the higher frequency achieved by the avatar inception POV, allows for increased 'presence' therefore exhibiting more 'power' in affect upon the Generation Energy of the mirror, (decrypted, deciphered assembled manifest dreamscape) Sorcery is the development and the affect upon the perceived external subjective mono reality.

Through efforts, the behaviors are changed, allowing the sum of expressed resonances, ie primary frequency of avatar form POV to increase. Thus allowing for an exponential increase in the 'presence' of our Energy Consciousness. Aspects of Will & Intent are facets of this Energy Consciousness, exhibited & expressed more and more via affect available by the increased 'presence' of the incarnate Monaden. The avatar only exists with the presence of 'soul' ie Energy Consciousness meeting the Generation Energy body upon the described Chakratic points. This being minutia of description of individual Myriad POV within the mono reality inception by the totality of the One Source. Energy is fundamentally what gives power to the source fractal, and the energy itself comes from source. As itself being living sentient energy. The First Flame subdivided it's own substance to bestow individuality in fractals that are self similar made in it's own image, the third Flame is a lake of this energy, but not individuals, this provided the basis for the Monaden inceptions for the Myriad POVs.

As for the inevitable paradoxical truths, 'I Am' is totality. It is the self awareness of the One Source, the Kryst, the mystery of Three in One. Order established out of chaos, the 'I Am' the first awareness of the seperation. It is the monad. It is the form level that is and not the void in essence. That very slim line of consciousness responsible for the self restructuring and Genesis of the Matrix dreamscape. m' is totality. It is the self awareness of the One Source, the 'I AM,' the Kryst, the mystery of Three in One. Order established out of chaos, the 'I Am' the first awareness of the seperation. 

A friend of mine has been working with a 36 letter script for a while. And it's very cosmic. There are 36 letters which relates to the 7 spheres of physical reality or rather astral reality. The number 144 spans the breadth Across the inception construct with the first 36 electrical polarities. The next 36 electrical polarities are lightly magnetic. They share qualities of both but are more electric. From these 72, they then branch another 36 under it mirroring. Then, another 36 which is purely magnetic. Interestingly, the sum of 36... Of all numbers added 666.

If we look at numerical sequences within the encodings of the fabric of consciousness, we see that there are series of 3s, and 4s 3 being relative of a mental pattern, 4 being relative of a DNA sequence pattern. The 3s & 4s working together within the inception encoding as formulae of sentient energy expressed simultaneously for its own segregate confederate counterpart's perceptive appetite. The data across the grids ie superstructure of Generation Energy is generated and deciphered when / as perceived is much like computer coding. Computer coding is a Holon of the self generating I AM system 1, 9 ,18, 36, 72, 144. This all it seems to be pointing us and our comphrension of the universe towards.

The convergence...

I highly recommend..

The Living Universe - Documentary

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