Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Enochian Language Mechanics Update

                Bridging with / AC Phonetic

I will endeavour not to make this phonetic
clarification among certain word and stem combinations sound more complicated than it is or has to be.

It is simply a pronounciation clarifier having to do with the letter (E)  
more specifically, on instances when the letter (E) begins a stem segment, or a word. The clarifier handles both situations.

Stems only occur in compounded words, which are unique in the Celestial Monad
Syntax of 'Enochian.' Which require a critical mark between stems. Examples 
include Vz'z "The Nine," Nuzu'je "Magus /
Witch," Ip'urav "Shall Be Destroyed."

Each of the examples have a critical mark placed between stems to form lexemes. 
between stems: z'z , u'j , p'u show the critical marks. Clarifier is used when the stem after a critical mark begins with
( E or e ), or word following another word starts with an ( E or e ) this has to do with the phonetic sound of ( E or e ) and that of phonetic sound of the AC
 or Absent Character Phonetic. The AC
phonetic is added to words in the E'Ta De Ivoti "Language of Angels." The phonetic of the AC is the( AY , EY & A ) sound

It comes down to the
similarity in pronouncing an 'Enochian' letter ( E or e ) and how it is a match to the phonetic sound of the AC. 

Since the Linear Ivoti E'Ta form exists only 
within the lower less dense dimensional 
expression of the Monad manifestation, the word meanings are preserved by the dictionary translation. The preservation of the Linear order in sentence and paragraphs guards for proper interpretations. 

The form that is spoken by the Ivoti "Angels" is the Non Linear version which utilizes a totality of generated energetic signatures.
The NonLinear version uses the critical
 mark more so than the Linear version taken out of the vocabulary of known 'Enochian' words.  The double and triple, and quite rare quadruple  words stemmed compounded words appear in the Non Linear. The most common, the double 
are found in both forms of the Creation
 Language. A sentence without a double 
stemmed compounded word does happen
 but compared to modern languages
is certainly rather infrequent. 

A word preceding any word or stem that begins with 'E' will be bridged. Essentially, 
ignoring the ( E or e ) at the beginning of
the word or stem that comes after a critical mark, or the space between two separate words.

!* The Exceptions to this are if a word or stem end with a ( E or e ) at a critical mark or space between words, which is followed by either word or stem beginning with an ( E or e ). 

xxxe'exx    xxxe Exx

The presence of back-to-back ( E or e ), leaves the sounding unabridged.

The other exception is simple as it involves the numerical words ie 1, 2, 3 / Si, Ni, Ri or
personal names. With either of these the AC
is not included, requiring the use of the
phonetic sounding of ( E or e ) that comes after critical mark or space between words.

There is No phonetic break from the (EY),(AY) & (A) Absent Character sound at the end of a word onto any word which follows with a first letter of 'E'.  The same type of situation within compound)ed words occurs when a following Stem begins with ' e  '.  Both situations are on display here with the word Ti'enu as an example, followed by En'u. Here the compounded word Ti'enu is followed as well by the compounded word En'u.

As standard a critical mark  '  will illicit the addition of an AC Phonetic/Absent Character sound ie Ti' of Ti'enu Properly enunciated as:

Ti'  -  TEE(A), the whole word enunciated as:

Stem  +  Stem

Tee(A)  New(A)


Tee (A) (A) New (A)


The sounding will be bridged between Stems; this is performed solely from the ending AC Phonetic of the first Stem. Or in the situation of two words - the ending AC Phonetic of the preceding word.  This exact operation of enunciation may at first glance be disastrous to meaning in both compounded words and to entire sentences of similar situation. However, the definitional aspects are unaltered, here in this example due to non existence of any Enochian having Ti then Enu as separate words. Nor the ending of Ti'enu New(A) being followed by (A)N(EY) in context of the greater sentence structure's conceptual coherency / coherent energetic signature.

Ti'enu En'u

Tee(A) New(A) N(EY) EwwA)

The (A) (EY) (AY) are enunciated the same, in these examples above the (A) is grammatically proper, where (EY) & (AY) are most often used when a vowel follows consonant.


Tee(A) New(A) N(EY) Eww(A)

properly enunciated

Instead of:

Tee(A) (A)New(A) A N(EY) Eww(A)

improperly enunciated at the (A) (A) and (A) A. Written this way falsely indicates a break and renewal of the phonetic sound redundantly.

The Enunciation assist offered below incantations and phrases will be written as:

Tee (A) New

Bridging at the critical mark and then again between the two example words

New (A) N(EY)

{ Ti'enu En'u }

Tee (A) New (A) N(EY) Eww(A)

For those with either of the first two books of the Hyacinth Pillars trinity published thus far correcting the Enunciation Assist/Phonetic Assist, which is where the focus of the updates will effect within the writings of the books themselves is ultimately rather straightforward. It will require a fairly simple edit on the part of those who do have either book.

Where Enochian is written, locate the compounded words where a Stem portion following a critical mark begins with the letter  'e'  and then locate that portion below within the Enunciation Assist:

Such as:

L'el....     written Enochian text

L(EY) L(EY)....    Enunciation Assist

Incorrect would be:  L(EY) A L(EY)

The (EY) Absent Character Phonetic at the critical mark indicated above will have an 'A' sound for the letter 'e' beginning the next Stem portion, simply Wite Out over the 'A' written in the Enunciation Assist.

The same would occur for a word following another if the second word begins with the letter 'E'.

Esi Eran   written Enochian text

A SEE (A) RAH N(EY)   enunciation assist

Incorrect would be:  A SEE(A) A RAH N(EY)

Simply Wite Out the 'A' in the Enunciation Assist portion below the Incantation. Creating the phonetic bridging by allowing the AC Phonetic following either a critical mark or word to word transition to be a singular enunciation between them.

The Research into the Celestial ie Angelic ~ Enochian language is ongoing and is according to Spirit and communication via Ivoti evocations to share what is intended to be revealed nat this time.  The Geboful draws closer and the culmination of this
Aeon has the attention of more individuals of the Monad Myriad.

 update is highlighted here and will appear in a forthcoming Hyacinth Pillars compendium.


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