Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Enochian Master Key


The Enochian Master Call, or Call Of The Master, is a supernal Call hidden within the nineteen Enochian 'Calls' or 'Keys'. The Master Call is composed of specific segments of the entirety of the Keys, those segments or pieces are stacked from the First Call down to the Nineteenth Call. The segments are stacked all as one large body of text, example portion below:

[Stack of Key Segments (partial only)]

I reign over you,
says the
in power exalted
above the firmaments
of wrath:
in whose hands
the Moon
as a
thrusting fire:
in the midst
of my vestures,
and trussed you
as the palms
of my hands:
with the fire
of gathering,
and beautified your garments
To whom
I made a law
to govern
the holy ones
and delivered you a rod
you lifted up your voices
to him that lives and triumphs,
whose beginning is not, nor end can not be,
and reigns amongst you as the balance
of righteousness and truth.
Move, therefore, and show yourselves:
open the Mysteries of your Creation:
Be friendly unto me: for I am the servant of the same your God,
Can the wings of the winds understand 
your voices of wonder,
whom the burning flames have framed
within the depth of my Jaws;
whom I have prepared
as Cups for a Wedding,
or as the flowers in their beauty
than the barren stone,
and mightier are your voices
than the manifold winds.
such as is not,
but in the mind
Move therefore
unto his Servants:
Show yourselves
in power: And make me a strong seething:
of him that lives for ever.
says your god,
I am a Circle
stand 12 Kingdoms: Six are the seats of Living Breath:
the rest are as sharp sickles
or the horns of death,
except mine own hand which ,
and shall rise.
In the first I made you
Stewards and placed you in 12 seats
giving unto every one of you power
successively over, the true
ages of time: to the intent
and the corners of your governments
you might work my power,
pouring down the fires of life-
Thus you are become
the skirts of Justice and Truth.
of the same your God,
lift up,

With the Segments stacked in order from First Call down to the final Enochian Key or 'Call' the next step involves a numerical sequence, as seen below, the segments are counted, beginning with the first,  one, two, three four, five, six, seven, eight, then Nine... Nine is our first number in the numerical sequence, so the segment or 'piece' that is at the ninth position is taken, i.e. removed from the combined stack of segments and pasted, or written down on a separate blank document. The next number in the numerical sequence is used the same as the first, counting down from the segment that follows the one just cut and pasted onto the separate document, one, two, three, four, five, six, Seven, Seven being the next number in the sequence, that segment or piece is cut and pasted onto the separate document. 

[Numerical Sequence (partial only)]

#9748946. 95.3.796.

"The periods placed in between numbers are only a mechanism I utilized for keeping track while working through the segments, any method of tracking what segments have been cut and pasted to the master document is fine if it is functional." 

The X's and double XX's, triple XXX's and so on are place holders showing where segments have been removed. Once the numerical sequence has taken you through the entirety of all the segments one comes back to the top and continues counting, as if it is a infinity document. Once the list of segments has been worked through and you have returned to the top of the stack of segments, the place holder used during the second pass through the segments will be the double XX (meaning second pass thru). Again, once the entirety of the segments have been worked through, then the place holder will of course be the triple XXX so on and so forth, the fourth pass through will use 4 X's etc. 

[Example below: (partial only)]

....... ~
whom the burning flames have framed
within the depth of my Jaws;
whom I have prepared
as Cups for a Wedding,
or as the flowers in their beauty
than the barren stone,
and mightier are your voices
than the manifold winds.
such as is not,
but in the mind
Move therefore
unto his Servants:
Show yourselves
in power: And make me a strong seething:
of him that lives for ever.
says your god,
I am a Circle
stand 12 Kingdoms: Six are the seats of Living Breath:
the rest are as sharp sickles
or the horns of death,
except mine own hand which ,
and shall rise.
In the first I made you
Stewards and placed you in 12 seats
giving unto every one of you power
successively over, the true
ages of time: to the intent

The totality once finished is a embedded message from the divine Source. When Dr. John Dee and his associate Edward Kelly produced the Enochian 'Calls' or 'Keys' and these are in themselves divinely inspired and by divination magick very powerful elements of the Enochian High Magick system. The message occulted within the Keys is a supernal message, one that comes from Ove (the First Heaven)
and has remained hidden until the time it was meant to be revealed. This message is revealed via the same metaphysical mechanisms by which Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelly achieved the completion of the original series of Keys. By divination the segments are segregated properly, as they are specifically separated into the precise pieces. The numerical sequence is likewise produced via divination, and the hidden word of the Almighty, First Flame (Vu Done`Ialprt) delivered now unto the world. 

The completed text of the occulted message will be included in the seventh book of the Hyacinth Pillars series of books. The list of segments, the numerical sequence and the entirety of the message will be a cornerstone of the divine word revealed in the forthcoming title: 

The Pure Doctrine

"Become a Grand Witch with me and join us now our Ancient Community"


Sunday, July 12, 2020

Book Seven Cover Art

Cover art for upcoming title, seventh book of the #HyacinthPillars series of the occult.