Friday, February 28, 2020

Of Wisdom & Truth

The renowned author Jon Vermilion has produced another book of the secret wisdom. Aeon Sophia Press are now, on this 28th Feb day of the Dark Lord releasing:

'Zakael ~ The Stargate of Kryst'

Vermilion goes deeper into the revelations of Silent Knowledge shared unto him for the benefit of all who seek the truth of Spirit, and the great blessings to be found along the straight & narrow of the Left Hand Path.

Like the great teacher and Witch King, Thoth the Atlantean, Vermilion carries on the Great Work in so.. "Give that they, too, might have wisdom shine through the world from the veil of the night.

Wisdom is power and power is wisdom,
one with each other, perfecting the whole.
Be thou not proud, O man, in thy wisdom.
Discourse with the ignorant as well as the wise."

Zakael - The Stargate of Kryst Author copies are selling fast. 

Pre Order here - 

Synopsis - 

Zakael: The Stargate of Kryst, is the second book by Author Jon vermilion which dives further into the ritual aspects of Asaya Ka Luxa. The deeper meditations and visualizations bring you on a deep self discovery and transmutation while building and consecrating a “Black Mirror” for meditation and connecting to the Zakael Star-gate, assisting with inner work and self discovery. This mirror is precisely tuned to open the Gateways of Higher Consciousness. Expanding on concepts written about in "Asaya Ka Luxa", it brings the reader deeper into the ritual aspects, the entities who oversee the gateway, and how to work with them to aid in expanding your consciousness and awareness of self.

The pages include 52 main archetypes which are present around the mirror which the aspirant meditates and visualizes the symbols to anchor them into their energy body; creating a deeper connection to the Gateway. This year long meditation practice brings the reader into a deep self reflection, tuning them into the correct energies to start building and consecrating the mirror. A “magical script” is explained and how to utilize it, Containing 36 letters which correlate to the Decons of Astrology and correlate to a galactic level of cosmology. This script is explained and deciphered giving proper pronunciation of each letter and how they correlate to Proper words and incantations. Using the language, connects you deeper into the energies of the Star-gate and connects ones Vibration to the Lyran/Angelic Energies that will be assisting you. Included are many ritual items and how they are made, used, and how to consecrate and infuse every item properly . Through out the text quotes and communications had between the energies who interact through the gate are included, bringing the reader deeper into the energy and mind set of such entities which were lightly talked about in the book “Asaya Ka Luxa”. Creating a more personal connection.

It is the intent of the author, that bringing this information out, allows others to return themselves to the state of salvation during the times foretold as “Armageddon” or “End Times”. Thus, Guiding them into the higher levels of consciousness of their true god-self; through the use of the Zakael Star-gate and connecting with the levels of consciousness which oversee it. At an estimated 300 pages and over 70 symbols and sigils, Zakael : The star-gate of Kryst is a complete ritual practice that an aspirant can apply and dedicate themselves to for deep transformation on the mental, emotional, and DNA level of their being.


Star-gates and the Inner Planes
Decree of the law of one
DNA – Salvation of the Soul Subconscious
Dream Worlds
The Lyran Script – The Language of Light 
Written Telepathy – Mental and Emotional
52 Archetypes – Meditations 36 Letters of the Written script
Relations to the Decons in Egyptian Astrology
Translation of the Written Script
Intoning the KRYSTALA Vibration
Ritual Items
The chalice
The candles
The Stones
Herbs and Incense
Creation and Consecration of the Mirror
Black Moon, White Moon,
Solar Calendar
Building the Base
Consecrating the Base – Electrical and Magnetic Activation
Consecration of the Mirror – Jupiter Corridor Opening the Gateway
Invocation of Zakael – Merging with ETi
Appendix – Color Chart
Appendix – Angelic Solar Calendar


Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Quantum Sorceries of Hyacinth Pillars

There is an emerging esoteric school of thought broadly referred to as Quantum Sorcery, there are books of the occult covering the topic

Quantum Sorcery Basics: Theory & Practice by Magus Zeta, and Quantum Sorcery by Dave Smith are two titles that are closing the gap between theoretical physics and that of personal magicka.
I highly recommend both titles for everyone's occult 
library. Studied together alongside Jon Vermilion's 
Asaya Ka Luxa, and Joshua Adam's Hyacinth Pillars ~ E'ta De Gergori 
a practioner can develope their energy body. Altering their energetic totality for a broadened point of perception and setting off quite magickally down the Left Hand Path. 
A multifaceted convergence of academic engineering and theoretical physics with the evolving metaphysics that is bringing a modern generation of intellectuals together. From the scientific research conducted at CERN, the new age movement, a waning dogmatic orthodoxy, and a sublime shift in a collective humanity's paradigmatic lens on reality - the exciting philosophical and cosmological gnosis that are being born out of the intercepts of their convergence point to a universe that exhibits evolving self awareness. The old debate for fundamental design of cosmos, is it a mechanistic or organismic design is antiquated and grossly obtuse. As the answer is energetic, energetimatic, yet of such a singular substance as to possess within itself the faculty of sentience. 

Quantum Sorcery is a broad area of ongoing discoveries, which build upon themselves and are found to be synchronistic with the most recent grand unified theorums. And although the exception not the rule, there is an identifiable segment of the world's civilization who are dedicated to aiding the gaining momentum in the quest for knowledge. 

One aspect in these new elevations of thought surrounds the eclectic genre of occult terminology. In fact the convergence I am attempting to highlight here can be recognized by the redefining of magickal terms and categories. From ritual high magick - to cartomancy; it reflects the changing. Examples include 'the Myriad Monaden, Chakratica, Hierophantic Hierarchy, and even that of a supranatural - divine 'Flame' that represents a self aware state of a quantum, super, hyperspatial, fractalized filamental energy.

There are new occult terms altogether, which often function to bridge previous esoteric concepts or systems. There seems to be a pattern born out of necessity in which definitive aspects of nuclear and electrical concepts are modified to sort the ephemeral conceptualizations. Quantum Sorcery as an umbrella term being itself derived from the field of quantum mechanics. In the first chapter of Joshua Adam's E'ta De Gergori the story of the biblical Genesis is conveyed as it is known to the non-human celestial beings the old world referenced as 'angels.' The chapter simultaneously reveals the gnosis as explained by the angelic realm along with it's mirrored reflections within human artwork, song lyrics and the greatest stories ever imagined, and with those the latest determinations found within the hard sciences. Physics and Mathematics uncovering the apparent self sentience of a mono-reality, discovering the dynamic structural attributes of the universe's innate substance and form of forces. 

Monday, February 24, 2020

Enochian Numer Key

One of the more famous Numer Keys for numerological Gematria is the ancient Chaldean Numer Key. It is one of the most energetically aligned available. 
It originated from the Shinar, that land very near and
dear to my heart, my old home of Babylon. The Key itself predates that wicked city which has it's seat between the Tigris & Euphrates rivers inside what is present day Iraq. The nearby lands of Syria is more accurately the place of the ancient Chaldean Key's place of inception. For my own purposes I have been given through divination an Enochian Numer Key. Any word of the Angelic language can be entered into this Key and a Sigil crafted which gives one a energetically powerful Sigil for personal use. 
Where the Chaldean Key does not have characters correlative with the last of the numbers, the 9, this Numer Key does. In my fourth published book, 

Enochian Chants - Kundalini Sorcery

I include all of the invocations and chants within the 
most up to date vocabularium available of the Celestial language. Since the Angelic language works from a framework unlike other languages, it is an 
energetimatic structure rather than a syntagamatic one. Fulfilling a demand of energy to construct any conveyance of communication. This is related directly to the Angelic language being bereft of punctuation or standard sentence / paragraphical structure. The Sigils of course can be used within a magick square yantra but Enochian Sigils are better formed using Vortex circles like the example form below. In my previous post I revealed three sigils, each containing a single word. The Sigils are to be published in the upcoming fifth book of the Hyacinth Pillars Sorceries series of books, therefore, the specific words and their purpose shall remain secret until the book is released. For example purposes they illustrate what an Enochian sigil looks like. Multiple words that make up a single phrase can be done as one sigil line. Separate words even though related, or related phrases must be done in seperete colored lines if they are to be placed within a single magick sigil. It is necessary to use the  magickal colors found in the rainbow, and begin with red, working through the colors of the rainbow as needed if multiple phrases or names for instance are used. So, if you were to use the Enochian for let's say.. Hyacinth Pillars, which is Ohuv Indi "Oh Who Vey
Inn Dee Ay" these can be completed by a single colored line. The Enochian Numer Key gives Ohuv Indi a sequence of 8-3-9-9-1-2-4-1, and would appear with a red line (example shown is done in black ink), always begin in the center point, proceeding to the first number of the sigil's sequence. The Enochian Numer Key is below the example sigil. I will be updating this topic periodically as I further uncover the energetimatic nature of the Celestial language and complete the energetic structural framework that the Sorceries of the matrix, the construct of our very reality, operate within.


Friday, February 21, 2020

Enochian Vortex Yantras

Enochian Vortex Yantras

The Magick Square, Yantras, these devices are used in conjunction with Gematria of various origins and are useful in producing two dimensional representations of magickal words and names. This is handy when it comes to making Sigils for ritual or ritual objects, and making magickal talismans, amulets, charms or for adding to any other personal object or structure. With Enochian Vortex Yantras there is a seeming purity of the ephemeral technology that appeals to me. Firstly, the Yantras are produced from translations of various words into the Celestial or 'Angelic' language. There are a few sources for these words and phrases, one of them of course being from my own work found within the occult series of books of the Hyacinth Pillars collection. Notably the first in the series, book One of the original trinity - E'Ta De Gergori and the fourth book of my writings - Enochian Chants / Kundalini Sorcery. The fourth book is a book of Enochian Chants dealing with the Kundalini energies but it is written in such a way as to be structured around the most recent Enochian Vocabularium to date. It also includes the latest research into the angelic language, as far as energies, syntax, phonology, etc. I am working on the final phase of book five which is focused on the Gebafal. It is an exposition on the eschatological content of the biblical book of Revelations, essentially clarifying what the old disciple misunderstood and unfortunately conflated. Not surprising though, as he would not have enjoyed the truth if he had grasped it to begin with. Back to the Enochian Vortex Yantras, which utilize the ancient Chaldean Gematria, and from these the sigils are then crafted upon a vortex mathematical circle. Personally I feel the vortex circles are ready made for producing some of, if not the best magickal sigils possible. Down below I am including three examples, they are taken directly from the book I am currently working on, book five, and as such I won't be revealing the Enochiana I translated to produce these. Primarily because they are part of one of the most powerful magickal rites EVER written. They are three parts to the Rite of Ressurection.. and that is all I have to say on that... For now.