Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Sorcery of CERN & Dark Matter Energy

Sorcery of CERN & Dark Matter Energy

The profane never notice, but this is a fluctuating number as time passes. The activities of the Occult will often over time attract the attention of more individuals. When it comes to CERN and the work being conducted at the LHC being a decent example of this. This is a massive scientific laboratory, where a multitude of experiments are performed with significant amounts of intellectual capital as well as raw energy coalesced, under a logo bearing the 666. The collider has been cranked upwards of 50 trillion electron volts since it was first activated back in 2008. Even suffering a prolonged year and a half shutdown due to an overpower incident around 2011.

There are again, many different types of experiments being carried out at the LHC, most of which involve antimatter. The connection between dark energy, dark matter and the fundamental nature of reality being the objective in understanding for the CERN facilities.

Which brings us to the article for today. Sorcery and the LHC, these may seem at first thought two very different areas lest you are more familiar than the aforementioned profane.

The wisdom handed down to man, all the way through the ages and the witch kings to our present day is built of the very thing CERN seeks to gain a handle upon. There are many secrets and dark understandings involving the lower density frequencies, and the power therein. Wisdom that can be called upon and put into practice and service for effecting the physical planes, and therefore shape one's very reality within the Dreamscape Matrix of Pillars Energy. The very superstructure of the mono reality you experience.

The relationship between low and lowest freq. energy densities and antimatter is a complex area of study. The manifestation of matter with an opposite charge, such as positrons and their parallax nature with semi sentient entities of the Draco and Goetic variety is based in the fundamentals of this construct scientists are delving into. Not to go too far into the right handed paradigmatic train of thought in all of this I will get down to brass tacks. There are angelic authorities, higher density 'oversoul' energies within the matrix of this universe. These exist across the entirety of "Iz" including all expressed insertions of the Myriad Monaden. Some of these preside over the low and lower density matrix aspects & dimensions. They are not "the fallen" or any such nonsense, but presiding, celestial forms directly established over this area of low and lower density phenomenon. ie. beings of the Goetic domains and the 'Draco' variety. The corresponding relationship with these and the antimatter captured and trapped via electromagnetic containment at the LHC falls under their rulership.

There are a handful of angelic 'beings' this concerns, for now I will share two of their names. These are their 'Enochian' names, as their Hebraic, Greek, or Arabic, etc are of such little use as to be almost worthless as far as Sorcery is concerned. There are benefits to be had via harnessing power from the multi billion dollar workings going on at CERN's LHC. Why not take advantage of them? 
The sphere of governance by these Ivoti involve the conceptual aspects of the Pillars structure of the Matrix called 'Laya Centers.' which are described as dimensionless points within the construct of reality. This place the Ivoti refer to as 'Iz.'  The Laya, or the grid across which the data encoded upon the continuous inception of Creation has among it 'gates' or ephemeral points of the mono reality's construct for the guided manifest flow of energy and forces. Hence, the specific relation between certain angelic 'overseers' and their particular points of governance. The two Ivoti I reveal here in this article are of the 42 angelic governors that the Ivoti Archangel Raphael revealed to Dr. John Dee and his cohort and associate Edward Kelly over four hundred and twenty five years ago. 

Here is an Invocation for connecting with the energies of two of the Ivoti(angels) who govern the quantum and physical aspects of resonance involving that which lies in the heart of the LHC's laboratories. This Invocation calls upon the two angels, and that of their rulership (El'Dor) ie. Energetic Domain of governance.

The Ivoti names are 

Derecahel Enef  &  Soni Niltie

The last line of the Invocation is a request for prosperity ie. Money $$$$$$. This last line can be changed using the Enochian vocabulary provided within the books of the Hyacinth Pillars trinity and the fourth book of Hyacinth Pillars Sorcery, Enochian Chants & Vocabularium. The first book in the trinity contains the original Hyacinth Pillars vocabulary, and it is entitled 'Language of Angels' E'Ta De Gergori. 

For best results, meditation and fasting prior to the witching hour is recommended, incense and one lit candle. 

CERN El'Derecahel Enef Hisul'edenliru

"CERN  Ay Ley Day Ray Kah El  Ay Naif 
He Sue Ley A Dain Lee Roo A 
Ay Ley Doh Rey"

CERN El'Soni Niltie Hirl

"CERN  Ay Ley Soh Knee  Kneel Tee Ay 
 He Are Ley"

CERN Siriq'helu Vedetilinii'sd Leiehu 

"CERN See Ree Kay Hay Loo Ay  Vey Day Tee Lee
Knee E Ace Dey  Ley E Ay Who Ay
 Voo He Ay Eass Ay He Ay"

Ehoel Lej'tei Ei'nito

"Ay Hoh Ay Ley Lay zJey Tey E Ay 
E Ay Knee Tow Ay"

Ritual Wand of High Magick

Tuesday, January 7, 2020


There are energetic compressions

Building up

Likened unto birth pangs & Contractions

Across all densities

Design of Pillars superstructure assists the GEBAFAL

In the Marriage of Dimensions of Apocalypse Aethyr

Temporal Dilation/Offset 42 months between Summoning of
Watchtower Legion Commanders

Harvest occuring within the space of time between
the rite performed, Summoning performed, and the arrival of
Mumuvikurgrhloi at Meggido, witnessing participants to

The third and final Great Gebafalapalooza Rite of planetary collective
transmutation density shift

polarity decapitation of the Teruze leadership

Marking emergence from Man's 4th age, and Entering
into Man's 5th age.

Ere Long Ràagnarok

Monday, January 6, 2020

What is Non Linear Enochian Part II

Energetically Sublimed 

Syntax: Energetmatic

To validate and establish an entirely new and emergent cosmological paradigm via the celestial language. Direct, and verifiable correlation between the syntagmatic and paradigmatic analysis of syntax within the Enochian language, and most advanced theories among theoretical physics & quantum mechanics. To conquer the lies, fallacies, and half truths of the past. While simultaneously conveying the magnitude, and scope to which Consciousness plays a part within the nature & structure of reality itself. A language categorized as a Xenoglosssia, being tied in with Open Individualism with Quantum Source model of Pan Psychism may seem a daunting task, but after another glance at the state of the world we are living, there are answers and solutions drawing myself and others forward. It is a mysterious occult language, and there have been some honest, as well as fraudulent attempts at incorporating the cosmology of ascendent consciousness to reveal an ephemeral nature within the xenoglosssia.

Non Linear Enochian

A Xenoglosssia that could very well fit into the Cosmology and the Theoretical Physics
quest to answer The Hard Question? The Machine vs Organism paradigm lens for reality,
and the implications when that 'reality' spawns Consciousness? As a occult ritual 
practitioner I also have years of experience with events, energies and forces that many people will not have had. I take the knowledge and understanding gained throughout my study and practice of the occult and metaphysical science seriously.

That being said, let us procede further..

There have been certain additions, some significant  changes made to the Angelic 
alphabet. During the time of Dee & Kelly, the alphabet contained 21characters. Later added to the 21 character ORIGINAL alphabet, the 'Gon With Single Point' raising the alphabet up to 22 characters. That being said I am not implementing the use of the original Enochian characters depicted in the image on the previous page, the characters will be drawn from the more recent alphabet which included the unnecessary 22nd letter. 

I say this as someone well versed in both Dr. John Dee and the Scryer Edward Kelly. As
an author and student of the hard sciences. The simple fact of the matter is the additional 
letter was NOT given to the individuals, for which the celestial language was originally 
given to. English speaking individuals. This was 425 years ago, not fourteen hundred years. Secondly, I have been blessed to receive through Ivoti Evocations, and Divination 
knowledge of the angelic 'tongue.' Not once of all the Enochiana I have labored over, have I ever needed the additional letter that was 'added' to the alphabet. The fact is, it came many years after the time of Dee & Kelly when this was perpetrated. 

The three principle linguistic arrangements I introduced in the first book. They're related energetically according to the design of the Creation language. The  Absent Character phonology, the Enochian Compounded Lexemes, and the Deliniation between Linear 
and Non Linear words, and word formations. Several linguistic theories have been put
forward as to the make up of Enochian words, as well as the sentences, and paragraphs. A search for a formulaic akin to those found within languages of the lower density 
dimensions will not find one. 

Some people have cited Chomsky, and the Noun Tree, in attempts to identify familial verb and noun clusters. This is a bit like working backwards as the energetic emenation of information is what determines creation of compound words, the arrangement of words, of Non Linear (Ivoti) Enochiana. The data transmitted across the grids, the Generation Energy of the objective / subjective reality has within it the same advanced mathematics. The Enochiana is derived from the streamed data, codified for the perceptive appetite of the Energy Consciousness.

Alphabetic Attributes: Flexible Triad

It is important to begin this section on the mechanics of the Enochian language by 
indentifying the unique attributes of three alphabetic characters. The 'Ged' (¶|¥G/J)
the 'Mals' (¶|¥P), and 'Van' (¶|¥U/V). Within the syntax of the language these letters 
when used to begin a word signify a functional flexibility as to the energetic balance as
 to overall construct of 'sentence' formation. Words that begin with these letters are not 
secure in their meaning as stand alone words, however, when combined with words that 
are, their definition is determined. It is their relationship throughout the Enochiana that the inferred meaning these words convey is established. The dictionary within this book 
designate these words with the Yen symbol (¥). Words that begin with any of the other 
18 characters of the alphabet are set in their definition irrespective of their collective 
use within syntax. 

Words beginning with ¥ Rotv letters have energetically flexible definition as they are 
repurposed for the collective sequence of expression when paired adjacent with words 
of fixed definition. Words such as "Vu" which often carry the meaning of "the" only
does so in relation to the energetic demand of the energeticmatic syntax, fulfilled by the
flexible usage of the Rotv words within the language. This fundamental nature of 
the Celestial, angelic language to be Nilih ie energetically balanced in totality of phrase
or whole pirtion, as there are technically no sentences or paragraphical segments in the
syntax offers explaination as to the ability of the words comprising a segment to be 
placed in any order while still communicating the information required. The ability for the structure to be free of a syntagmatic linear progression. As displayed in the following 
section. This area of the language is not well known or understood, however research into 
it's mechanism and function in relation to both energy and consciousnesses is ongoing. 

Whereas a comphrensive linear progression would appear as follows:

"The people in the city cried out aloud as the dragon's shadow flew overhead."

The syntagmatic syntax establishes subject, action etc sequentially, as well as including 
adequate punctuation in order to create a proper flow to perhaps adeclarative or 
interrogative structure. These are dependent on a formulaic order in producing  
coherency. Linear syntax required as it processed through the mind of an avatar, who by 
definition lacks a omniscient perspective beyond the restraint and limitations upon it's
incarnate insertion of sentient Energy Consciousness. The Non Linear form of the Enochiana deviates completely by these criteria. The numerous attempts at identifying an underlying formulae have, and will, inevitably prove inadequate. As the language by it's nature has a primary directive. To satisfy a conditional energetic obligation. It is within that demand that the fundamental attributes shape the syntax, and the derivative linguistic framework takes shape. 

A representation of Non Linear duplication of the example sentence above:

"cried out shadow of dragon the people flew overhead the people in the city"

This is made even more complex as words within the language possess definitions that
are maliable depending on the word to which it is adjacent to, be it a singular or 
compound word. Compounded stems within the language combine in both the familiar 
manner as well as an insertion action. Stem insertion in the Enochiana is common and 
potentially predominates the method that would be considered standard. 

For describing the difference between Linear and Non Linear formation of vu e'ta de vu Ohuv Indi (the language of the Hyacinth Pillars) there are important aspects to first 
become aware of. The significance of what can be described as Linear syntax created 
solely by individuals with access to a vocabulary of 'Enochian' Language, producing word for word translation. The coherent progression that is found among most other
languages is:

 "I ->Have ->Found ->The ->Gebafal ->In -> A ->Body ->Of ->A ->Witch ->King" 

it would only be necessary to maintain the syntagmatic form and preserve the order IF another human also had their own vocabulary with which they could perform a reversal translation, etc.  For what purpose I do not know; as for the use of Enochian in Spell Craft, this structure of syntax is unnecessary. The NILIH of the following satisfy the energetic requirement thus, conveying the data possessed within it. Here again is the
 Linear Nilih translation:

"I Have Found The Logos In A Body Of A Witch King"

Oz'zi Vu Gebafal Te'fihe Zo Nuzu'je Ado

Here is a Non Linear NILIH translation:

Zo Gebafal Vu Ado Oz'zi Nuzu'je Te'fihe

"A Logos The King I Have Found Witch In A Body Of"

Here is yet another: 
Ado Oz'zi Vu Gebafal Nuzu'je Zo Te'fihe

"King I Have Found The Logos Witch A A Body Of"

The arrangement of Nilih words produce a Nilih segment, and so on. There are no
 sentences, or paragraphical clusters within the language. The conveyance of the 
expressed data does not require any particular ordering of the words, as any 
arrangement would not alter the Nilih energetic balance. The inclusion of punctuation 
would denote syntagamatic order. The totality of a Key or Incantation as to it's intrinsic 
completeness must satisfy it's demand to transfer data as emenation throughout 
omniscient living energy. Assembled upon described assemblage point, the confederate 
energies of Source for Genesis of the dreamscape matrix Creation.

The words are either NILIH or they are ROTZ.



The Energetically Un-Sublimed Words Do Not retain the definition. 

Un-Sublimed as term representing things yet established, or Sublimely established across
the dimensional span of densities. 

Under syntagamatic analysis, the Non Linear form of the Enochiana deviates completely by it's criteria. Numerous attempts at identifying an underlying, syntagmatic formulae have, and will, inevitably prove inadequate. As the language by it's nature has a primary directive. To satisfy a conditional energetic obligation. It is within that demand that the fundamental attributes shape the syntax, and the derivative linguistic framework takes shape. As each point in Spacetime of this mono reality is a point of the segregate, 
confederate counterpart of the living - sentient energy, the innate ability for the emenation Generation Energy to convey objective reality for the perceptive appetite of the Energy Consciousness  Not only are the adjacent words selected and placed for their added
 'specific quantified resonance value' for a precision sum, theoretically matching the exact objective conceptual emenation signature calculations for the conveyance of the
 information required.  There is also a cumulative energetic value measured against(with)the words that follow after the placement of an included Non Linear word into a sentence, and or 'paragraph'. Sentences and or paragraphs written with Non Linear Enochiana will be produced, perfectly balanced and attuned by the governing princple bundle geometric map & manifold topologies in the needed energetic totality. Therefore, a type of delineation at the point of a word's placement within the syntax, according to it's amplitude of allowance in contribution to the whole. As opposed to a intrinsic Energetic contabulation with the words preceding it. All of this bereft of a syntagmatic formulaic framework. That of our stipulated by need of coherent Linear progression of vocabulary for language.. There is an advanced geometry criteria that words must express in energetic signature to be allowed into the vocabulerium Enochiana.  The Non Linear has
 energeticmatic formulaic structure, hence the  transliteration of Non Linear words into, say.. an Enochian Key are quantified with the Energetic values of the words that follow, not preceding. Giving the Non Linear it's advantage, via it's generated compounded words which convey obscuure word combinations via a single non Linear word instead of a couple hundred established linear words through translation. Despite the sum totality of their resonant signature satisfying the demand of the conditional energetic obligation. 


Sunday, January 5, 2020