Communion Triad Evocation
In the times of planetary conjunctions the Communion Triad may be performed, rely on your guides, HGA, Daemon, and divination for guidance as to which conjunctions within a particular year will you execute the ritual. Also relying on the afformentioned with guidance regarding identification of the Ivoti and Utiza for a Communion Triad energy working. With consecrated tools you will cast the first of two circles, the first being the inner circle. Next, cast secondary, outer circle.
Casting Circle Incantation:
Doas'zuv Posu'ez'aba Ogum'eba Nericiziviu Orovito
Doh Ahs Ay Zoo Vey Poh Sue Aiz Ah Bah Ay Oh Goo Mey Bah Ay
Ney Ree See Zee Vee Eww Ay Oh Row V Tow Ay
Second Circle Incantation:
Er’zez Huv’inu Tiso Utovi Nizu Ti’zuhu
Ay Rey Zey Zey Who Vey E New Ay Tee Soh Ay Eww Tow Vee Ay
Knee Zoo Ay Tee Ay Zoo Who Ay
Now within your cast spheres you will begin by sitting or standing within to speak the Enochian Source meditation. Spoken thrice, this beginning has you being aware of the One that is All and the All being One. More than the machine mind alone, there is an intentional focus willing one’s awareness, the burning flame of sentience that is your soul and the manifest incarnation your being has in purpose greater than any individual identity to be directed, to be aimed beyond for a most potent and sacred sorcery.
The second circle(sphere) is necessary not because of the entities called forth, but because of the energetic leveraging betwixt the pillars. A whole chapter could be dedicated to elucidating this important point, however, we shall proceed.
Three candles are before you, the red, the black, and the white, these candles are placed upon an alter, even an alter as simple as thirteen stacked stones. Upon the alter the candles are arranced in a triangle, having enough space inside the triangle for the sigil. The sigil is placed in the center of the triangle of candles prior to lighting either of the three.
With alter, and upon it three candles, and within the candle’s three points making a triangle lays the sigil for the core craft of a Communion Triad it is here that preparation becomes a working.
The image of feeling as wind does as it rushes with the temperatures, rushing down the valleys, and across the fields, ephemeral, powerful, and the witness knows the presence of the wind by sensation as well as the seeing, the seeing of the billowing across the grasses, the waves of living worship upon seeing the fields rippling from the mountain gusts escaping down the valleys enlivening ever more fields of fertile cresent.
The black candle is the first to be lit, and the burning soul of your being takes leadership in the ritual and you speak the divine language for all eternity for you are made in the image of the God your establishing declaration and perform the self evocation to summon yourself outward, downward for a meeting of souls. Your energetic totality of being rushes forth as the mountain winds, `Then select number of the forty two great powers will be integral in to producing affect on the intrinsic polarity duality.
In this correspondence, this communion working effect upon the Nilih, and the Rotv, transformative energies freed by a balancing and as such the Generation Energy, Rehiqil Inol is altered forever and the measure of benefit sorcery garners of the Inol Ruquls is well matched in energy. This working is based in the wisdom underlying Creation, the matrix of three pillars and exercising them in unison for the advancement, the benefit within one. In that the mage is of the middle pillar, the pillar of Man, the benefit is to be found there.
Triad Evocation Summoning Required Tools & Supplies
Ritual Location (Free of Electro Magnetic Noise/Interference)
Ritual Wand
Ritual Alter (Simple, Small)
Ritual Candles (One Black, One White, One Red)
Ritual Summoning Evocations (Hand Written)
Sigil of the Mage
Sigil of the Angel
Sigil of the Demon
Sigil of the Leverage
Incense (Uplifting Scents)
[Candles are arranged in a tight triangle, the shorter, stockier style of candle is preferred over the slender wiccan style]
For this first reveal of the Triad Communion Evocation Working the angel, and the demon you will use, as will everyone during their first working of this ritual will use are:
Mage: Your Name Here (explained further in document)
Angel(Ivoti): Vovuate “Voh Voo Ah Tey” Archangel (Oriented Westerly) Air 9899128
Demon(Utiza): Hespofit “Heys Poh Feet” Deluding West 38398512
For this initial working of the Triad Communion Evocation the names are given, for subsequent workings of the Triad Communion your HGA, Daemon, Elder Spirits, Guides will move you to selecting the appropriate counterparties for following workings of the Triad Communion Evocation.
Triad Evocation Summoning Evocations
Mage Evocation
The mage first prepares the sigil of their own name, their given, and if guided, their given and their sir name, treated as one name, the letters found on the Numer Key and the sigil drawn using the pattern of the base ten vortex as seen below:
[The G & J, and the U & V are represented in the Enochian glyphs with singular glyphs
Your given, or given + sir name produced in sigil form using the Enochian Numer Key will resemble but be different from the example below:
[Example Only: Mage given name is written down(given + sir name combined - if guidance from HGA, Daemon, Elders or Spirit Guides indicate), any letters in the name that have a corresponding Enochian character equivalent is applied to the Enochian Numer Key for producing the given name sigil]
John or Jane as example would be 9832, and 9128 respectively
Area is cleared.
Alter is set.
Tools, Candles, Sigils are placed upon or near alter.
Circle is cast.
Second Circle is cast.
One Source Meditation is spoken Thrice.
We Begin…
The Black candle is lit.
The Sigil of the Mage is held in hand.
Thrice you speak the evocation inculcation.
Thrice the inculcation ends with the speaking of your own name.
The Sigil of the Mage is lit upon the flame of the Black candle.
Itaxivol Tuzhizalo Sejiso Tenasuz Cix Otavusa Xevitelaliz Zav Eevaxeloz Tazevjan Bezi
---(Your Name)
“E Tahx E Vohl Ay Tooz Heez Ah Low Ay Say’j’ E Soh Ay Tey Nahs Eww Zey Keeks Ay Oat Ahv Eww Sah Ay
‘X’ Ay Vee Tey Lah Lee Zey Zah Vey Ay Ay Vahx Ay Low Zey Tahz Ayv ‘j’ah Ney Bay Zee Ay”
Ivoti Evocation
The White candle is lit.
The Sigil of the Angel(Ivoti) is held in hand.
Thrice you speak the evocation inculcation.
Thrice the inculcation begins with the speaking of the angel name.
The Sigil of the Angel(Ivoti) is lit upon the flame of the White candle.
Di’sanizo Solovan Zixol Isevaz Zalizal Idos Hivotu Ijas Tazizal Ol’anutezoni Ravul
“Dee Ay Sahn E Zoh Ay Soul Oh Vah Ney Zeex Oh Ley E Save Ah Zey Zah Lee Zah Ley E Dohs Ay Heev Owe Too Ay
E ‘j’ahs Ay Tahz E Zah Ley Ole Ay Ahn Eww Tey Zoh Knee Ay Rah Voo Ley”
Utiza Evocation
The Red candle is lit.
The Sigil of the Demon(Utiza) is held in hand.
Thrice you speak the evocation inculcation.
Thrice the inculcation begins with the speaking of the Demon name.
The Sigil of the Demon(Utiza) is lit upon the flame of the Red candle.
Letan Rivoz Siqezinil Tevaz Netojenosu Tazuvhiloz Igev Sezi Tanejado
“Lay Tah Ney Ree Voh Zey Seek Ayz E Knee Ley Tey Vah Zey Ney Toh’j’ Ay Noh Sue Ay Tahz Uve Hee Low Zey
E Gay Vey Say Zee Ay Tahn Ay ‘j’ah Doh Ay”
Principle Energetic Leveraging
OMICRONIS 841258218
UTUNAL 929218
QOVISOL 6891388
The three words seen here, Omicronis, Utunal, and Qovisol, will always be prepared in sigil form using the Numer Key, shown here:
[This Sigil is considered the standard form Sigil for the Communion Triad Summoning Evocation ritual, other advanced forms of this Triad Working are possible but not part of this standard form working of the Triad Evocation ritual.]
With the Principle Sigil laid preferably in the center of the three candles, or at a minimum right next to them, the Sigil is taken in hand and the inculcation spoken thrice. The Sigil is then lit by touching it upon alll three candles, Black, White, Red and allowed to burn away.
Idel Mija Qu Veji Sozaluh Cotoi Zonus
Ijav Alluru Omat Disev
Iluj Rohigol Tanus Lodasinoh Ohjav
“E Day Ley Me zJah Ay Koo Ay Vey zJee Ay Sohz Ah Loo Hey Koh Toy Ay Zoh Noose Ay
E zJah Vey All Loo Roo Ay Oh Mah Tey Dee Say Vey
E Loo zJey Row He Goal Ay Tah Noose Ay Load Ahs E Knoh Hey Oh Hhh zJah Vey”
Secondary Energetic Leveraging
Secondary Energetic Leveraging Key Words are (if guided by HGA, Daemon, Elder Spirits, Guides, etc) spoken as a list, the Sigil prepared for them includes each word and produced upon the Sigil by the Numer Key just as the names and Principle Energetic Leveraging Sigil Key.
[Note: Not each and every Triad Communion Evocation will require a secondary Sigil Key List.]
[As with the list below, the Numer Key is used to generate the Sigil of the Secondary Key Words.]
Zozusuvan 787939912
Zuvatu 799129
Zivazu 719179
Sovunozov 389928789
Nisovuz 2138997
Puvishona 999133821
Sonuv 38299
Iniluz 121897
Acaro 12158
Vua 991
Rezove Nivopi 587898 219891
Gebafal 9861518
Solinomev 388128489
Release of Energetic Leveraging
This portion closes out the Triad Communion Evocation and therefore does not require a Sigil piece of its own, however, the darkening of the candles must be done in proper reverse order, Red, White, then Black. Ending the Evocation working.
Speak Release Inculcation, pinch out Red candle flame.
Speak Release Inculcation, pinch out White candle flame.
Speak Release Inculcation, pinch out Black candle flame.
Ijavi Solaz Xin Nolazil Suni Imatol Onanu Tohiral
“E zJah Vee Ay Soh Lah Zey Ex E Ney Noh Lah Zee Ley Soo Knee Ay E Mah Tow Ley Oh Nah New Ay Tow He Rah Ley”